It looks like the value of variable_X started with an opening curly bracket ( {) but didn't end correctly with the closing curly bracket (}). 这里用一个前花括号({)标出了变量值X的开头,但是没有用后花括号(})结束。
In other words, an opening firstName element is never closed or an opening angle bracket is missing. 换句话说,firstName元素总是缺少结束标识,或缺少开头的尖括号。
Separate your control keywords from the following opening bracket. 将控制流程的关键字与紧跟后面的括弧分开(加一空格)。
Don't separate subroutine or variable names from the following opening bracket. 不要将子程序或变量名与后面的开括弧分开。
Use at least one space after most punctuation. However, it is incorrect to insert a space after an opening parenthesis or an opening bracket. 大多数标点后面至少要有一个空格,但是,左括号后面不能有空格。
The utility model consists of a slide knife, a slide knife bracket provided with an opening groove and a limit pin, and a spring storehouse provided with a semielliptic spring and a spring bracket. 是由滑刀、具有开口槽及限位销钉的滑刀架、和含有弓形弹簧及弹簧架的弹簧仓组成。
Note that you need an exclamation point after the opening bracket, but not before the closing bracket. 要注意感叹号是写在前尖括号之后,而非后尖括号之前。
Make sure that rubber sleeve of the radiator sits in the appropriate opening in the bracket. 确保散热器的橡胶套位于托架的相应孔中。